Mi a'th fawrygaf di fy Nuw

1,2,(3),4,5;  1,5,6,7,8,9,10.
(Salm CXLV - Rhan I - Mawredd a daioni Duw)
Mi a'th fawrygaf di fy Nuw,
  Can's tydi yw fy Llywydd;
Bendithio d'enw byth a wnaf,
  Mi a'i molaf yn dragywydd.

Cenedl wrth genedl a ro'nt fawl
  I'th ogoneddawl wyrthiau;
Gan daenu'th nerth
    ar hyd y byd,
  A d'wedyd dy gynneddfau.

Am dy ogonedd mawr, fy Naf,
  Mynegaf a'th gadernid;
Sôn am dy bethau ofnadwy,
  Gwnant hwy a minnau hefyd.

Llwyr goffadwriaeth honot ti,
  O! A'th fawr ddaioni draethant;
Ac o'th gyfiawnder, fy Nuw Ion,
  A llafar dôn y canant.

Sef graslawn yw ein Harglwydd ni,
  Ac o dosturi rhyfedd:
Hwyr ac annyben yw i ddig,
  Llawn-frydig i drugaredd.

Da yw yr Arglwydd i bob dyn,
  A'i nodded sy'n dyciannol;
Ac ar ei holl weithredoedd ef
  Daw nawdd
      o'r nef yn rasol.

Dy holl weithredoedd di i'th lwydd
  O Arglwydd! a'th glodforant;
Dy wyrth, pan welo dy saint di,
  Y rheini a'th fendithiant.

Wele, mae llygaid yr holl fyd
  Yn disgwyl wrthyt, Arglwydd;
Tithau a'u porthi hwynt i gyd,
  Bawb yn ei bryd yn ebrwydd.

A phan agorech di dy law,
  O honi daw diwallfaeth;
D'ewyllys da yw ymborth byw,
  A hyny yw eu lluniaeth.

Fy enaid traethed fendith rwydd,
  A mawl yr Arglwydd nefol;
A phob cnawd rhoed
    i'w enw, y Sant,
  Ogoniant yn dragwyddol.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Bethania (<1869)
Hafren (<1835)
Hyfrydle (G W Hughes 1861-1941)
Morgannwg (hen alaw)
Sabbath (J Williams [Ioan Rhagfyr] 1740-1821)
Tregeiriog (T Hopkin Evans 1879-1940)
Treherbert (Hugh Hughes 1876-)

  Rhan II -
Da yw yr Arglwydd i bob dyn

(Psalm 145 - Part 1 - The greatness and goodness of God)
I will magnify thee, my God,
  Since it is thou who art my Governor;
Bless thy name forever I will do,
  I will praise it in eternity.

Nation by nation they shall give praise
  To thy glorious miracles;
While spreading thy strength
    along the world,
  And speaking thy attributes.

About thy great glory, my Chief,
  I will express, and thy firmness;
Mention about thy fearsome things,
  They will do and I also.

Complete remembrance of thee,
  O, they shall expound thy great goodness;
And of thy righteousness, my Lord God,
  With a loud tune they shall sing.

That is, full of grace is our Lord,
  And of wonderful mercy:
Late and slow he is to anger,
  Resolute to mercy.

Good is the Lord to every man,
  And his protection is successful;
And on all his activities
  Comes refuge
      from heaven graciously.

All thy activities to thy success
  O Lord! do extol thee;
Thy miracle, when thy saints see,
  Those shall bless thee.

See, the eyes of the whole world are
  Waiting upon thee, Lord;
Thou it is who dost feed them all,
  Everyone in his time swiftly.

And when thou openest thy hand,
  From it comes satisfying nourishment;
Thy good will is living food,
  And this is their refreshment.

May my soul expound a blessing 
  With the praise of the heavenly Lord;
And may all flesh give
    to thy name, the Holy one,
  Glory eternally.
tr. 2016,17 Richard B Gillion
 1 Thee I'll extol, my God and King,
     Thy endless praise proclaim;
 2 This tribute daily I will bring,
     and ever bless thy name.

 4 Renowned for mighty acts, thy fame
     to future times extends;
   From age to age
       thy glorious name
     successively descends.

 5 Whilst I thy glory and renown,
     and wondrous works express;
 6 The world with me thy might shall own,
     and thy great pow'r confess.

 7 The praise, that to thy love belongs
     they shall with joy proclaim;
   Thy truth of all their grateful songs
     shall be the constant theme.

 8 The Lord is good, fresh acts of grace
     his pity still supplies;
   His anger moves with slowest pace,
     his willing mercy flies.

 9 Thy love through earth extends its fame,
     to all thy works expressed;
10 These show thy praise,
       whilst thy great name is
     by thy servants blessed.

11 They, with the glorious prospect fired,
     shall of thy kingdom speak;
   And thy great pow'r, by all admired,
     their lofty subject make.

14 The Lord does them support that fall,
     and makes the prostrate rise;
15 For his kind aid all creatures call,
     who timely food supplies.

16 What'er their various wants require,
     with open hand he gives;
   And so fulfils the just desire
     of ev'ry thing that lives.

21 My time to come, in praises spend,
     shall still advance his fame,
   And all mankind,
       with one consent,
     for ever bless his name.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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